Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Senior room tour

The senior room had a great time today visiting Milanos to make pizza, followed by a trip to Cork city gaol and UCC. Thanks to Mrs. Keane and Mrs. Moran for accompanying us!


  1. The school tour was amazing !!! Best school tour ever !!! A.M

  2. thanks Miss Walshe for the excellent school tour I hope we have another school tour next year, Milano's was absolutely great, Cork Jail was really cool to the real life replicas are also really cool and kinda freaky, UCC was really cool and that we got to ware the graduation cloaks was really cool I also got a free cap! THANKS MISS WALSHE!!!!!!! FROM A.C.K

  3. Thanks so much Miss Walshe for the lovely day . We had a great time and relly enjoued it .The pizza was yummy and the cork city old jail was really cool ☆ U.C.C was unreal and the garden were perfect there. Thanks to are brilliant teacher for bring us ♡♡R.k

  4. Hogwarts eat your heart out??

  5. thanks again Miss Walshe for the amazing day out from A.C.K


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