Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Notice from Tipperary Libary

Tipperary County Council Library Service  will run a reading adventure for children during the summer holidays. The Summer Reading Adventure is a free programme and we would be delighted to welcome all children and their families to join in. We are very happy to work with teachers and families to encourage children to continue reading and writing during the summer months.
Each child who registers for the adventure at their local library or Summer Book Bus  chooses books to read during their summer holidays. They will receive a Summer Reading Card to record their progress along the way and a library reward stamp will be added to their reading card at the library after each book read. Children will be encouraged to continue reading throughout the programme with gifts including bookmarks, wristbands and activity sheets. At the end of the adventure, all children who participated are invited to attend an award event at which they will be presented with their award certificate. Children and families will also have access to fun reading activities on the Summer Reading Adventure website at The resource includes lots of fun activities, games, Talking Ebooks, reading tips, book suggestions and funny interviews with children’s authors and other celebrities.

Clogheen : Community Centre Carpark,  Every Tuesday ( 10.30am – 12.30pm) from 30th June – 4th August 2015

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